Common Myths and Essential Oil Safety

Common Myths and Essential Oil Safety

It seems like everywhere you look there is someone with “an amazing opportunity” just waiting for you. I wrote this research paper for my final grade in my aromatherapy certification program. I tried to sum up my studies the best I could, but with all the misinformation surrounding essential oils, I could have easily kept on typing. In my own experience with MLM oil companies, I’ve been booed and hissed at every time I would bring up safety issues. I watched moms apply undiluted oils to their infants, and watched the lemon essential oil eat through styrofoam all while being promoted for internal usage. I attended classes only to feel as if I joined a cult and heard medical advice from people who shouldn’t be providing medical advice! . So please forgive me if I rub you the wrong way. I only intend to educate so you can make an informed decision. Just as the saying goes “ there are plenty of fish in the sea,” there are more than just a couple reputable sources for quality essential oils without signing up, recruiting, or joining a cult.